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Business Audience Adults with Medical Staff at Home

Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO)

QIN-QIOAs the QIN-QIO for Arizona and California, HSAG works on strategic initiatives and projects that seek to achieve the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) aims of better healthcare, better health, and lower healthcare costs for all Medicare beneficiaries.


  • Equips providers with the knowledge and resources needed to improve quality
    in healthcare.
  • Communicates to spread best practices and accelerate change.
  • Convenes communities of practice to improve patient care.
  • Engages Medicare beneficiaries, family members, and caregivers to have a voice
    in quality improvement.

Our Specialized Approach

HSAG engages healthcare providers in data-driven, collaborative projects to accelerate healthcare quality improvement at the local level. HSAG is focused on helping providers make care patient-centered, safer, and more effective by:

  • Decreasing opioid misuse and improve behavioral health outcomes.
  • Increasing patient safety.
  • Increasing chronic disease self-management.
  • Increasing quality of care transitions.
  • Improving nursing home quality.

A Focus on Partnership

As an independent, trusted partner, HSAG brings together communities across cultural and geographic boundaries to improve healthcare quality. The partnerships between HSAG and healthcare providers, stakeholders, beneficiaries, families, and caregivers are strengthened through virtual and face-to-face techniques, including webinars, teleconferences, on-site technical assistance, and community collaboratives. Partners benefit from peer-to-peer learning in an all-teach, all-learn environment that spreads innovative ways of approaching care and removing barriers by sharing evidence-based practices, knowledge, and tools. It is the strength of these partnerships that ultimately drives significant, rapid, and widespread healthcare quality improvement.

Think Nationally, Act Locally

HSAG understands that healthcare is local. By helping reduce patient harm, working to eliminate waste in processes and systems, championing patient-centered care, supporting a continual learning environment in the healthcare system, assisting providers with the adoption of health information technology, and leveraging data analysis to assist in identifying target communities for improvement efforts, HSAG is dedicated to improving health quality at the community level to improve healthcare nationally.