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Peritoneal Dialysis Resources

Inside Hospital with Busy Nurses Patient with Doctor

What is best for me?Below is a list of great English and Spanish language resources about peritoneal dialysis shared by facilities, Network PACs, and other key players in our ICH CAHPS Quality Improvement Activity. If you have additional resources to add, please share them with your HSAG: ESRD Network contact.



Audio Recordings

Web-Based Resources and Handouts

A.  My Kidney Life Plan—Interactive Website

B.  ESRD NCC—Know the Facts About Home Dialysis Choices

C.  ESRD NCCC—Consider your Dialysis Choices: Choosing the right option for you!

D.  Home Dialysis Central—Patient Stories About Living on Home Dialysis

E.  Home Dialysis Central—Separating Myth from Fact:

F.  Home Dialysis Central—Modality Comparison Grid

G.  KidneySchool Module 2—Treatment Options for Kidney Failure

H.  Home Dialysis Central—Postcard

I.  National Kidney Foundation–Peritoneal Dialysis: What You Need to Know



Web-Based Resources and Handouts

A.  My Dialysis Choice—Interactive Website

B.  ESRD NCC—Know the Facts About Home Dialysis Choices

C.  ESRD NCC—Consider your Dialysis Choices: Choosing the right option for you!

D.  AAKP—Understanding Your Peritoneal Dialysis Options

E.  Home Dialysis Central—Newsletters

F.  KidneySchool Module 2—Treatment Options for Kidney Failure

G.  NKF—How to Choose a Treatment for Kidney Failure

H.  NKF—Peritoneal Dialysis: What You Need to Know